Trapping and management of furbearing animals
••• To obtain the trapper’s certificate, you must pass the exam for this module within 90 days.
The certificate is required to purchase a furbearing animals trapping permit in Quebec.
The aim of this training module is to train safe, responsible and efficient trappers. It advocates the sustainable use of the wildlife resource.
- Trapper’s ethic
- Traps and their components
- Safe handling of traps
- Appropriate trapping techniques by species
- Sustainable harvesting of wildlife by trapping
- Ecology and management of furbearing animals
- Diseases and parasites
- Trapping regulations
- Pelt preparation of furs
Regulations lesson can be downloaded here.
To obtain additional information on the training module, get in touch with the FTGQ. Please note that information could change. Do not hesitate to contact us some time before you come to your session to make sure you have the right information. Thank you for your understanding!

Two types of training
To successfully complete the module and to obtain a trapper’s certificate, you can follow the type of training of your choice (at the same price of $218,52):
At home, you must prepare before attending the exam (learning with the manual and training video).
Then, the training is completed and given by an experienced instructor. This day is optional and can be done before or after the exam.
(Training with an instructor does not replace home study, it completes it.)
4 training sessions per region per year.
1 day (8 hours) of comprehensive training.
ONLINE EXAM ONLY (in French only for now)
Learning at your own pace with the manual and training video
The exam can be done at any time within the 90-day period.
Although it is possible to only take the online exam, the training day with an instructor is strongly recommended.
Online exam
• It contains 50 multiple-choice questions;
• The exam session lasts a maximum of 60 minutes;
• The passing grade is set at 70%.
The exam must be completed within 90 days of registration on the platform.
IMPORTANT: you absolutely must have a Windows 10 PC with Microsoft Edge, Firefox or Google Chrome, or a recent Mac with Safari, Firefox or Google Chrome. The exam does not work on a cell phone.
PLEASE NOTE: a $35 fee is required for any exam retake.
•••The trapper’s certificate is required to purchase a license to trap furbearing animals in Québec.
To obtain a trapper’s certificate, a person must:
(2) be 12 years of age or more;
(3) provide his or her name, address and date of birth;
(4) take the course on the trapping and management of fur-bearing animals; and
(5) pass the examination corresponding to the course taken and hold an attestation to that effect.
How to register?
You can register by filling out the registration form above.
Once payment has been made, we will send you the course material by GLS. In particular, you will receive the training manual and video.
Online registration requires the use of your personal email. If you don’t have an email, contact us by phone at 418 872-7644.
1 – You can pay by credit card via Paypal. After completing the online form and confirming your order in the shopping cart, you will be redirected to the Paypal website.
2- You can appending a certified cheque or a postal money order in the amount of $218,52*, made payable to the Fédération des Trappeurs Gestionnaires du Québec (FTGQ), at the following address:
Fédération des Trappeurs Gestionnaires du Québec
3137, rue Laberge
Québec (Québec) G1X 4B5
3 – You can come to the FTGQ between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. or between 1:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to purchase the material (cash, cheque or credit card) in the amount of $218,52. The equipment will then be given to you in person and you can leave with it.
* A $25 administrative fee will be charged for all refunds. The material (intact and complete) must also be returned to us within 3 months of the date of purchase.
To obtain additional information on the training module, get in touch with the Fédération des Trappeurs Gestionnaires du Québec (FTGQ) at the following number 418 872-7644.
Canid trapping
and management

The PIGEC (french acronym for Canid trapping and management) handbook is a specialised complement of the PGAF course (a course required to obtain the trapper’s certificate in the province of Quebec).
This 160 pages book contains many notions related to canid trapping in Quebec, their environments, trapping techniques for these animals as well as preparation and sale of furs.
Here it is a preview of the topics :
– Introduction
– Ecology and behaviour of canids
– Planning, preparation, material and equipment
– attractants
– Catching canids
– Harvesting and marketing
– Appendixes
CANID TRAINING MODULE (only in french)
The content of this specialized training on canid trapping and management touchescovers all aspects of canids capture. It ensures a better understanding of the activity for the users of this resource. A significant part of the training is intended for practical work carried out by the trainer. You can get the book in English but the training is only given in French.
The module « Trapping and management of canids » is a specialized training of trapping coyote, fox and wolf. It is intended exclusively for trappers who have followed the training « Trapping and management of furbearer animals (PGAF) » However, unlike the PGAF module, which is compulsory and prerequisite for obtaining the trapper’s certificate, this training is followed on a voluntary basis by those who wish to improve their canine trapping techniques.
Ensure a sustained harvest of this group of furbearer animals and define the role of the trapper in the management of these species;
Improve the level of knowledge of trappers and consequently their yield, and also directly and indirectly increase the economic impact generated by their activity;
Promote new canine trapping techniques adapted to our climatic conditions.
The PIGEC training session lasts 16 hours (in 2 days) and takes place almost exclusively in the field.
The training price is $ 200 taxes included. If you already have the training handbook (PIGEC) the traingin will cost 160 $. You should make sure you have a training handbook, as you will need it in the field. Please note that you will not be given any training credits.
A training session is official from 10 registrations (participants) paid in the same region. Each session can be given to a maximum of 15 participants.
For more information, contact the FTGQ
- Quebec City and surrounding areas 418-872-7644
- Elsewhere (free of charge) 1-866-260-7644